Project Overview

The City of Holdfast Bay in conjunction with the South Australian Police (SAPOL) established a CCTV network in 2006 which has expanded over time and is now at capacity.

The City of Holdfast Bay gained Federal Government funding from the Safer Cities program to upgrade the CCTV network to ensure improved safety and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).

Council has undertaken a review of its existing CCTV network and coverage provided and has developed a complete masterplan to expand CCTV coverage across the Glenelg precinct.

Nineteen CCTV cameras, which are part of the existing network of 41 cameras, will be replaced with new hardware.

Thirty-eight new cameras will be added to the current network – at five locations along Jetty Road Glenelg and along the Glenelg Foreshore from the Broadway Kiosk and including Brian Nadilo Reserve, Chapel Drive, and to the Glenelg breakwater.

The camera upgrades and installation of new cameras are due to take place from October to December 2022.


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