Project Overview

In 2022, a $200,000 election commitment was made by the South Australian Labor Government to refurbish the Kingston House Reserve courts. The election commitment was made as a special purpose grant to the City of Holdfast Bay to deliver the upgrade.

This also provided an opportunity to choose a court layout, and the types of facilities to include in the court design. Options presented to the community included two tennis courts, or a tennis court and a multi-sport court with offerings based on community preference.

Whilst results showed overwhelming demand for a multi-sport option, it was clear from the engagement results that existing users preferred the courts to stay in the current configuration of two tennis courts. In addition, concerns regarding increased noise with the multi-sport option was also raised throughout the consultation.

Therefore Council has resolved to renew the courts in their current configuration. New fencing and drinking fountain is also included as part of the upgrade.

Given the results of this engagement, Council will endeavor to provide alternative informal recreation and sport opportunities at suitable locations in the future.

This project is now complete.

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Julia at Holdfast

Team Leader Sport & Recreation Planning - Public Realm & Urban Design

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