Renewal of the playspace and fitness equipment at John Miller Reserve has started.

Stage 1 – Basketball Court & Landscaping

The basketball and landscaping works are nearing completion with only the proposed basketball court surface treatment to be laid in mid-February. During this time, the basketball court will be fenced off and closed temporarily for a few days allowing the new surface to dry. The basketball court will then re-open for public use.

Stage 2 – Playground

The outcome of the community engagement saw the ‘Adventure’ as the preferred option by respondents. This piece was chosen due to its wide range of play features catering to children of all ages. Other play equipment that will be included in the renewed playground include a double swing, monkey bars, trampoline, all-access spinner, and a dolphin rocker. Construction of the play space will begin in on the first week of February 2022.

Stage 3 – Fitness Area

The outcome of the community engagement saw the ‘like for like’ option as the overwhelming choice by respondents. As such, the fitness equipment produced a very similar fitness experience to that provided by the existing equipment. The fitness area is now complete.

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