You are invited to share your view on our Draft 2023-24
Annual Business Plan

Our Draft 2023-24 Annual Business Plan outlines Council’s priorities and program of work for the next 12 months. It allocates funding for key projects and services and shows what you will receive for your rates. Your feedback is welcomed and will be considered by Council before the plan is finalised.

Project Overview

The Draft 2023-24 Annual Business Plan is the outcome of the comprehensive business planning process we undertake each year to ensure that we can manage our community assets and provide high-quality services in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Aligned closely with our city’s strategic plan, Our Holdfast 2050+, the Draft 2023-24 Annual Business Plan details how much we have to spend and how we will spend it to achieve our strategic goals – while delivering the best possible value for our ratepayers.

You can access additional copies of the Draft 2023-24 Annual Business Plan at:

  • Brighton Civic Centre, 24 Jetty Road, Brighton
  • Glenelg Library, 2 Colley Terrace, Glenelg
  • Brighton Library, 20 Jetty Road, Brighton
  • Or click here to download a copy

This engagement opens Thursday 11 May and closes 5pm Friday 2 June 2023.

You can share your feedback in the following ways:

Here at

  • Mail: Writing to the Corporate & Service Planning Lead at:

Draft ABP 2023-24
Reply paid 85436
PO Box 19
Brighton SA 5048

  • Email: with the subject header: Draft ABP 2023-24
  • Phone: 8229 9999 during office hours and ask to speak to the Corporate & Service Planning Lead
  • In-person to Council: You can also provide feedback in person by making a representation to Council at its meeting on 23 May 2023 (commences 7pm, Glenelg Town Hall, Moseley Square, Glenelg).
    If you wish to make a representation on the Draft 2023-24 Annual Business Plan, please provide written notice via subject header: Draft 2023-24 ABP Representation; or hand in a written notice to the Brighton Civic Centre by 5pm Friday 19 May 2023.